reet wrote in jgweir_daily Apr 13, 2013 18:58
child of nazareth, grand prix, long programs, on ice
reet wrote in jgweir_daily Apr 06, 2013 16:08
my way, grand prix, champions on ice, on ice, exhibitions
reet wrote in jgweir_daily Sep 06, 2012 19:29
grand prix, bonus brian, a fragile bonestructure & a nice red lip, cup of russia, press conferences
reet wrote in jgweir_daily May 05, 2012 16:57
bonus plushenko, maksim mrvica selections, bonus stephane, grand prix, practices, on ice, cup of russia, podium, the swan
reet wrote in jgweir_daily Mar 31, 2012 15:03
grand prix, cup of russia, mixed zone
reet wrote in jgweir_daily Mar 10, 2012 16:29
grand prix, interviews, screencaps, mixed zone
reet wrote in jgweir_daily Mar 01, 2012 19:53
imagine, grand prix, on ice, exhibitions
reet wrote in jgweir_daily Jan 14, 2012 15:03
zhem_chug wrote in jgweir_daily Nov 28, 2011 22:30
grand prix, poker face, cup of russia, on ice, hot hot hot, johnny steals the show again, exhibitions
facecat wrote in jgweir_daily Nov 11, 2011 20:02
grand prix, on ice, podium, that smile